TechNL Promotion

As part of our feature on TechNL Members Monday we are running a promotion until May 15. TechNL members can get our Cybersecurity for Everyone Training course for just $50 per person (after Canada-NL Job Grant Rebate)
Write your awesome label here.

Connect with us to access this promotion and for course demos.

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Watch our three minute course overview:

Write your awesome label here.
Cybersecurity For Everyone Online Course

More about out course

  • Unit 1: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility
  • Unit 2: Social Engineering Attacks and Defence
  • Unit 3: Protecting Against Scams and Fraud
  • Unit 4: High Tech Attacks and Defence
  • Unit 6: Cyber-Incident Response Planning and Recovery
  • Unit 1: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility

Buying for yourself, enroll now.

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