Cybersecurity for Everyone Online Training
Well trained people are the best cybersecurity defense in strengthening the human firewall around our organizations
85% of cyber attack cases involve an employee error 1
85% of cyber attack cases involve an employee error 1
The Problem
The Solution
Well trained people are the best cybersecurity defence
Cybersecurity For Everyone Course
Course Motivation
Course Description

Detailed Course Manual
Award winning Educators
Write your awesome label here.
Available NOW!
Learn on any device
Take your courses on the go and learn on your terms
Write your awesome label here.
Get the course and reinforcement training.
Course Bundle
Learning reinforcement course included free in our course bundle.
This bundle comes with our Cybersecurity for Everyone online course plus our Reinforcement Training Program.
Funding support for Newfoundland companies is available through the Canada-Newfoundland Jobs Grant which will cover two-thirds of the cost of training, per person.
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Future Offerings
#Awareness Campaign | #Podcast | #On-site Training |
Awareness Campaign
Follow us on social media for our cybersecurity awareness campaign.
Continue your exploration of the fascinating world of hackers and cyber-criminals with our upcoming podcast.
On Site Training
Need on site training or help in developing your cyber-incident response plan. We can help.